
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Alicia Liu - Taiwanese Model

Beware! This new girl is unbelievably hot! The following 28 pictures of her may cause you to go into cardiac arrest - that's how gorgeous she is. Wow.

Her name is Alicia Liu (Xun Ai) and she also is nicknamed Xiao Ai. She is a 24 year old model from Taiwan. She has been a successful model in Taiwan appearing in commercials, promo shoots and videos without anyone aware that she is transsexual until recently when a former schoolmate decided to tell the press about her past. Liu called for a press conference to tell the public that she is happy with her identity and she loves being the woman that she is.

Let's hope that this lovely woman doesn't have to deal with any harrassment and let's hope her career is going to be ok. It was very brave of her to talk to the press and to be honest about who she is. We wish her all the best.

Special thanks to the poster on the message board who brought this lady to my attention. Keep sending tips my way!

Below are pictures of the magnificent Alicia Yu. Be sure to check out the video at the bottom where she appears on Taiwan's version of QVC, the Home Shopping Network.

the girl with her here is pretty cute too!

one can only dream of them kissing :)

she has a lovely natural smile

cute pouty lips

she would make the perfect bride

so naturally feminine and perfect

too cute

looks like she is helping advertise Lexus


that's her on the right - just blending in with the other girls

she has the sexiest eyes

with cute bangs

wow, a perfect body

with her hair in little buns

the perfect girl

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More beautiful Choi Han Bit

One of our favorite girls: Choi Han Bit. Don't forget to check out her blog to get updates to what's new with her!

The beautiful and charming Choi Han Bit poses on the porch.

She looks very classy here

Such sexy legs!

See if you can spot in her these pictures above. Choi Han Bit can ice-skate.

You can find her above with some of her girlfriends. She's just one of the girls!

Taking a picture of herself. So cute.

She's the prettiest girl in the bunch :)