
Monday, December 28, 2009

Choi Han Bit blog

Special thanks to an anonymous commenter for bringing Choi Han Bit's blog to my attention. I know you all enjoyed watching the videos of her in the Koren "Open Hall" supermodel contest. She is absolutely sexy, cute and stunning and now we can enjoy following what she's up to on her blog. Meanwhile, enjoy some of these great pictures of her from her blog. New favorite girl, anyone?


  1. Wow, she's so cute :) please post more pictures :D

  2. Looks like Miss Choi has a new site with many modelling pics and videos, but it seems you have to be Korean to get access to them (you need a Korean national ID number, which is also the problem with some Korean video sites). But at least you can look at the thumbnails:

    The link will take you to a signup page; just make up a nickname and password and press the button (the three boxes are nickname, password, and confirm password).

    Here's a couple of her swimsuit poses:

    and a video of her promoting the new site:

  3. I like this site. Really nice place for all

  4. She is very beautiful. Alas, for people like me who don't speak or read Korean I am unable to read her blog or fanpage.

  5. Just out of curiosity. Does anyone know her date of birth?

  6. She's very pretty and she seems very sweet too.

  7. Yes, Choi Han is a great find. There are a lot of beautiful Asian ts girls out there, and she is one of the better ones I've seen in recent memory. Thanks for posting.

    BTW, a few months back I started a blog much like your own; that is, one featuring nice non-pornographic pics of my favorite ts girls. After a few weeks though I got paranoid and took it down. Seeing your great blog though makes me think I should start another one. ;o)
